Check out Half Light Icon Pack (Paid) version here:
Icon Pack contains 2600+ HD Icons for mobile phones and tablets, click on "See More" at the bottom of the page or search for "Ronald Dwk" for more icon packs, there are over 300 icon packs both free & paid to choose from in different colors, shapes and designs. Enjoy
Compatible with the following Launchers:
Action Launcher
ADW Launcher
Apex Launcher
Atom Launcher
Aviate Launcher
GO Launcher
Holo Launcher
Holo Launcher HD
Lucid Launcher
M Launcher
Mini Launcher
Next Launcher
Nougat Launcher
Nova Launcher
Smart Launcher
Solo Launcher
V Launcher
ZenUI Launcher
Zero Launcher
ABC Launcher
Evie Launcher
Fully Compatible but not Included in Apply Section: Apply via your Launcher
Arrow Launcher
ASAP Launcher
Cobo Launcher
Line Launcher
Mesh Launcher
Peek Launcher
Z Launcher
Open Launcher
Flick Launcher
Launch by Quixey Launcher
Partially Compatible:
+HOME: Only supports +HOME icon picker, need to apply icons manually (Tap and hold then edit).
Turbo Launcher: Only supports Turbo Launcher icon picker, need to apply icons manually (Tap and hold then edit).
NOTE: I have tested on the above launchers, there might be more supported launchers which hasn't been tested yet.
Note: Some Launchers require to change some icons Individually
How To Change Icons Individually
1.Hold down the specific icon and release it, then a small pop-up will appear.
2.It will allow you to change the icon and the name.
3.Select the icon, this will show your icon packs, select HL IconPack and choose your favourite icon, Built-in Search Feature within the App.
• Icon Requests: Use the in-app feature or e-mail below
• 30 Cloud Based Wallpapers
• FAQS section in app
• Icon Previews in app
• App Light and Dark theme
• Firebase Cloud Messaging (Update Notifications)
• Apply Icon Pack from within the App or via your Launcher
• Recommended Launcher: Nova Launcher
Periksa Setengah Cahaya Icon Pack (Paid) versi sini:
Icon Pack berisi 2600 + HD Ikon untuk ponsel dan tablet, klik pada "Lihat Lainnya" di bagian bawah halaman atau mencari "Ronald DWK" selama lebih paket ikon, ada lebih dari 300 paket ikon keduanya gratis & dibayar untuk memilih dari dalam berbagai warna, bentuk dan desain. Nikmati
Kompatibel dengan Peluncur berikut:
aksi Launcher
ADW Launcher
Apex Launcher
Atom Launcher
terbang Launcher
GO Launcher
holo Launcher
Holo Launcher HD
Lucid Launcher
M Launcher
Mini Launcher
Berikutnya Launcher
nougat Launcher
Nova Launcher
pintar Launcher
Solo Launcher
V Launcher
ZenUI Launcher
nol Launcher
ABC Launcher
Evie Launcher
Sepenuhnya Kompatibel tetapi tidak Termasuk dalam Terapkan Bagian: Terapkan melalui Launcher Anda
panah Launcher
secepatnya Launcher
Cobo Launcher
baris Launcher
Mesh Launcher
Peek Launcher
Z Launcher
terbuka Launcher
Flick Launcher
Peluncuran oleh Quixey Launcher
Sebagian Kompatibel:
+ HOME: Hanya mendukung + ikon RUMAH picker, perlu menerapkan ikon secara manual (Tekan dan tahan kemudian edit).
Turbo Launcher: Hanya mendukung Turbo Launcher ikon picker, perlu menerapkan ikon secara manual (Tekan dan tahan kemudian edit).
CATATAN: Saya telah diuji pada peluncur di atas, mungkin ada lebih didukung peluncur yang belum diuji belum.
Catatan: Beberapa Peluncur perlu mengubah beberapa ikon Individual
Cara Mengubah Ikon Individual
-------------------------------------------------- ---
1.Hold bawah ikon tertentu dan melepaskannya, maka kecil pop-up akan muncul.
2.It akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengubah ikon dan nama.
3.Select ikon, ini akan menampilkan icon pack Anda, pilih HL IconPack dan memilih favorit Anda ikon, Built-in Fitur Pencarian dalam App.
• Permintaan Icon: Gunakan di-app fitur atau e-mail di bawah ini
• 30 Cloud Wallpaper Berbasis
• bagian FAQS di app
• Pratinjau Icon di app
• App Cahaya dan tema Dark
• Firebase Cloud Messaging (Update Pemberitahuan)
• Terapkan Icon Pack dari dalam App atau melalui Launcher Anda
• Direkomendasikan Launcher: Nova Launcher